mandag 22. juni 2009

Missing health...

There is alot going on in my life these days. Both good and bad.
I have for several months felt sick and in a bad health. This was comfirmed when I saw my doctor about two weeks ago. Since then, I have been in and out of the hospital and my doctor`s office. I am diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthrisis (that i have had most of my life) and my body is also infected with the mononucleosis virus. I`ve also had a huge loss of vision in my right eye and was examined by an eye specialist who diagnosed me with Optical nerve inflammation. This inflammation makes the doctors suspect that I have Multiple Sclerosis.
Today I had another appointment with my doctor and he confirmed that he is very concerned about MS and got me into the hospital today. I waited at the E.R. for FOUR hours just to be told that I had to go home and come back tomorrow at 9am. It makes me so frustrated how they can send people home like that just like if I am a football to be kicked around.
So tomorrow, hopefully, I will get a bed in there and ghet the tests done. So far i am comfirmed to go through an MRI of my head, neck and spine and get a Cortisone through Intravenous therapy (IV therapy). Hopefully that will give me some answers.
I have decided to do this blog to keep my friends and family updated on how things are going with me and my illnesses.
Thanking all of you who has been a great support for me the past weeks.
I love you all!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Neimenn, uffda :( Dette var jo ikke noe hyggelig. Håper de kan gi deg all mulig hjelp, og lykke til på sykehuset i morgen!!

    Klem fra Charlotte

  2. takk:) ja jeg er veldig sliten og utafor pga smerter og diverse så jeg er mer enn klar for et svar nå!
