Finally home again so i can give some updates.
I went to the hospital tuesday morning for a check at 9am. The doctor decided I should be "put in" right away but the ward was full so I had to wait for a bed. For another 4,5 hours! But they were all very nice and helped med the best they could:) I got food and comfort:)
The first day, nothing happened as I had to wait for the MRI. For some reason they shut down the machines around 4-5pm so after that, there would be no examinations.
I shared a two-bed room with a sweet 93 year old lady that wasn`t very sweet in the night. Now I know what it`s like with awake nights for families with babies. No offence but she kept me awake most of the night getting out of her bed to go to the restroom every other ten minutes because she was afraid to wet her bed. Her hearing aids kept whistling non-stop and I am convinced that`s what parents thinks of their kids first tries with a recorder...
They woke me up at 7.30am and I was scared to death when they waved with temperature and bloodpressure registrator over my head when I was still dreaming. Then breakfast and Andrea and Elise came to see me:) Doctor-visit and then I finally got the MRI appointment at 12.30am. But a nirse had to give me this IV thing in my arm. Not as bad as I feared and I didn`t pass out! hahaha
The rest of the day and night I had to wait...and wait... My mom and sister came to see me in the evening too so I didn`t feel too lonely;)
Another night without sleep... amazing how much energy there is in an old lady! So I got up and sat down on the balcony and a 17-year old girl joined me... She was TALKING... I mean not just chatting, really TALKING... and I wasn`t able to get away until 12.30pm and went to bed listenning to the concert of hearing aids until I finally fell asleep.
Another early wake-up and breakfast. Then Merete came to see me and I had to do the most feared Lumbar Punction... I was scared to death so they gave me a pill to calm down my nerves a bit. It didn`t work very well and the doctor came to send me up to heaven...or hell. I laid down and had the L.P. done. And I really don`t understand what I was afraid of!!! I barely felt a thing! And I even laughed of my own stupidity. So...now I am convinced I can do ANYTHING.
I got the wonderful results from the MRI that didn`t show any damage to the brain, neck or spine:) Still, I am not undiagnosed. The doctor says there is something I am suffering from but it takes further tests to find out what is wrong. The spine fluid looked good but they need to do some elctrical analyzis to make sure there is no inflammation or that my optic nerve inflammation isn`t a link to a disease. I guess I`ll have the answers next week.
My health hasn`t been the best the past days either. Parts of my face are still numb, I am very dizzy, my left leg is living it`s own life and I also lost much of the strenght in my arms and hands.
After I got home today, I have problems walking and standing. I suddenly loose balance and have to sit down on the floor but that might be a reaction to the fluid from the spine still running out through the spine discs. It doesn`t hurt much in my back but it is more a tingling feeling. Like someone tickle me and I can`t lift my arms or take deep breaths. Hopefully that will be gone till tomorrow:)
I am gonna enjoy being home again. The weather is beautiful and warm. The summer is finally here:)
p.s: I got flowers from my work today:) Wonderful people:)
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