Quite a while since I last wrote here. Alot of things have been going on lately.
I had a two days stay at the hospital in Tønsberg to have some examinations done. Alot of waiting too. Like I said, I was sent home from the hospital the first day I was there but were put in the next morning. The first day, nothing happened but a regular examination of reflexes and balance, vision etc. The upcoming day i finally had my mri done and Patricia was a clever girl not sheding a tear or passing out when she had an IV set in her arm:D (for those who knows I HATE syringes, hospital needles and the fear of IV therapy.) I didn`t get my lumbar puncture until the last day and I was scared to death. For what??? I barely felt anything when they penetrated the needle through my spine! No pain at all:) Until I got home five hours later... JESUS what a backache!!! And I could barely walk, nor lift my arms and breathe at the same time!!! Fortunately it was better the following day. But exactly 24 hours after the lumbar puncture, I had a massive headache and couldn`t sit, stand or walk aorund. It lasted for three days and I noticed a loss of vision on my left eye. I have had a full doctor`s excuse to stay at home for about three weeks and today I went to see a doctor again. Just a control examination. Just to be sent to the hospital again! To check my eyes again... The right eye still has the optic nerve inflammation but it turns out that the retina on my left eye has split! So I need to go back there at the beginning of august to see how it is and if it has gotten worse.
Earlier the first doctor I saw, told me that all my test results done at the hospital was fine and that they were not concerned about any neurological diseases but the eye doctor made a phonecall to the doctor I had during the stay at the hospital and now they say that they can`t exclude a concern about a neurological disease after all! Forth and back, forth and back...
I will also have to do an mri on my feet because a big lump under each foot plus I`ll be transfered to a specialist on Rheumatoid arthritis to find out about the blood tests that showed signs of that. The Mononucleosis virus is also being checked out. So that is pretty much what I know so far. I am really tired and feeling exhausted but I take one day at a time. From tomorrow I have an active doctor`s excuse so I can be "on top" at work and see how much I can do. Much better than sitting at home, that`s for sure!
tirsdag 7. juli 2009
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